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📆 Friday, November 8

Build Science 101™ - Why, Where, What and How??

Location: BUILD SHOW LIVE Main Stage 

Time: 9:30am - 10:15am

Gain foundational understanding of the principles and purpose of building science to drive long-term durability, health, comfort, and energy efficiency in our buildings. Matt Risinger and Steve Baczek will discuss the Why? What? Where? and How? of building science and Control Layer Management. This session is the perfect entry point for those starting their "know better, build better" journey or for the seasoned crowd refreshing their background on cornerstone building science concepts. Building Science is in everything we do - understanding it is a requirement for our success, and the buildings we construct.

Matt Risinger
Steven Baczek

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Getting to Zero

Location: BUILD SHOW LIVE Main Stage 
Time: 10:30am - 10:15am

Joe Lstiburek

The FOUR Control Layers

Location: BUILD SHOW LIVE Main Stage 
Time: 11:30am - 12:15pm

wTo gain control over your indoor environment, you have to successfully manage the exterior environment elements impacting the building envelope. Join Jake Bruton for a deep dive into how you should be considering managing bulk water, air, thermal dynamics and vapor drive along with product and system options.

Jake Bruton

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Contractor Growth Method: 6 Proven Processes To Scale Your Business to $10MM & Beyond

Location: BUILD SHOW LIVE Main Stage 
Time: 12:30pm - 1:15pm

There's a lie that experienced builders get caught saying… it goes like this: "If I can get through this year, I’ll make the changes I’ve been putting off in the business. I’ll FINALLY stop getting pulled into the day-to-day…and I can focus on the big picture. Then I'll get back a bit of my life." You can't outwork a dysfunctional business, and if you are a hard-working contractor, it shouldn’t be so difficult to build a business that serves you. The thing is…no one tells you where to start. And you're not sure you have time to do anything systematically right now — even if you knew exactly where to begin. But the good news, Benji at Breakthrough Academy will share the 6 Systems you need to refine your trades business – so you can reduce stress and speed up growth. This talk blends inspiration and practical resources to help you implement better systems!

Benji Carlson - Breakthrough Academy

Demystifying Dehumidification

Location: BUILD SHOW LIVE Main Stage 
MAIN STAGE Time: 1:30pm - 2:15pm

From existing buildings and renovations to additions additions and new construction…the elephant in the room? Moisture. In this session, Build Show Expert Travis Brungardt teams up with RESNET home energy rater Nikki Krueger to discuss how to remove moisture from the air and develop a path to increase comfort while preventing odor and mildew growth. This builder and dehumidification expert team up to take on Mother Nature and add comfort to the indoor environment by addressing the elephant in our rooms.

Travis Brungardt
Nikki Krueger

Historical and European Influences

Location: BUILD SHOW LIVE Main Stage 
Time: 2:30pm - 3:15pm

Celebrated historic restoration expert Brent Hull gives a master class in design and craftsmanship as he explores the magic of Europe and European architecture that has been a part of the American building styles since the 1920's. What happened in the 1920's that lead to an explosion of Tudor, Spanish and French style homes. Why are these styles still with us today. The answer lies in the building traditions of Europe that we can learn and study to build better more authentic houses today.

Brent Hull

Building Consensus Podcast: Special Edition - Heroes of Building Science

Location: BUILD SHOW LIVE Main Stage 
Time: 3:30pm - 4:15pm

Catch this special edition of the "Building Consensus Podcast - Heroes of Building Science" live recording with renown Building Scientist Dr. Joseph Lstiburek and Founder of The Build Show Matt Risinger. Host Travis Brungardt unpacks how building science has shaped the foundations of revolutionary building construction thought leadership authored by Building Science Corporation Founding Principal Joe Lstiburek and has ignited a digital storm of engagement on better building practices with video education through Matt Risinger's Build Show content.

Matt Risinger
Travis Brungardt
Dr. Joseph Lstiburek

📆 Saturday, November 9

How to Build the Risinger Way

Location: BUILD SHOW LIVE Main Stage 
Time: 9:30am - 10:15am

Hear first-hand insights from high-performance Builder Matt Risinger and building-science Architect Steve Baczek on their journey together through one of Matt's recent Austin builds from the ground up. From pre-planning, design, systems integrations, product strategies and business management, these two industry leaders open their worlds to share what they did right, what they’d do differently, and everything in between. No project is “easy," so bring your thoughts, questions, and experiences, and engage in a dynamic discussion.

Matt Risinger
Steven Baczek 

You're Doing It Wrong!: Straight Talk from the Mechanical Expert

Location: BUILD SHOW LIVE Main Stage 
Time: 10:30am - 11:15am

It can be tempting to hear about a new shiny product and add it to the spec. In plumbing mechanicals this often leads to buried, un-maintanable systems. Find out how to advance your plumbing and mechanical planning and prep to set your trades up for success straight from one of the most respected authorities in the trades: Mr. Mechanical Hub himself, Eric Aune. Eric shines a spotlight for contractors, architects and DIYers on how to avoid burying systems and instead set up rooms for appropriate install and service. Learn what works, what the building needs, top products and how to get ahead of critical lay-out conversations with your plumbing and mechanical trade pros.

Eric Aune

How to Approach Construction Like a Building Scientist

Location: BUILD SHOW LIVE Main Stage 
Time: 11:30am - 12:15am


Khota Ueno

UnBuild It Podcast - Live Recording

Location: BUILD SHOW LIVE Main Stage 
Time: 12:30pm - 1:15pm

For years, thousands of listeners queue up the UnBuild It Podcast each week for real talk on building science, business management, new products, industry event coverage, and how Jake Bruton and Steve Baczek keep Professor Peter Yost on his toes. The team takes the stage at The Build Show Live for a rare live recording of their coverage of the show.

Peter Yost
Steven Baczek
Jake Bruton

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