You may receive correspondence from various companies referencing Build Show LIVE. These companies may contact you regarding purchasing a Build Show LIVE list of attendees or soliciting hotel rooms. Build Show LIVE and its official vendors DO NOT sell attendee lists under any circumstance. Please note the only company we have partnered with to provide you with special hotel rates is onPeak. Other than onPeak, Build Show LIVE has no relationship with these firms.
Whether you decide to purchase a list or secure a hotel room via a company not affiliated with Build Show LIVE is solely your decision and does not affect your relationship with the show in any way. We regret any inconvenience caused by these solicitations and any confusion in how you were solicited. Build Show LIVE does not provide these companies with your contact information and has no knowledge of these unrelated entities' solicitation of its exhibitors.
Please feel free to contact us at [email protected] if you have any questions regarding this matter.